Interesting Vintage Photos of HMV’s Sound-Isolating Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s

People used to go to record stores and listen to records in a “listening booth”... quite an event! At His Master’s Voice (HMV), customers could buy records and record players, but also listen to the latest songs.

In the 1950s, HMV introduced special sound-isolating booths where customers could sample new sounds without having to wear headphones. They also had enough room to squeeze in a close friend or two.

Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s

Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s

Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s

Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
Vinyl Listening Booths From the 1950s
(Photos: John Drysdale/Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images, via Mashable/Retronaut)