Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978

Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978

In 1978, Ed Sijmons and his partner Louise took a trip to London. Their grainy snapshots show a gritty look at the capital city at the time when many people were still struggling to make ends meet after the mid-1970s recessions, while the early 1980s recession was already on the horizon.

More fascinating photographs could be found at Sijmons’ brilliant Flickr site.

The Wimpy Bar at the junction of Old Compton Street and Moor Street.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Cheshire Street in E2.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

St. Paul's.



Shakespeare's Head.



Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Hamleys at Regent Street.



Ford Thames Van.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Market-street in Soho.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Michelin Building at Fulham Road.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Window display of Corgi Toys and Dinky Toys.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Bedford Van Mister curly top.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Popular Book Centre at Rochester Row.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Upper Tachbrook Street.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Outside the Victoria and Albert Museum.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Super Soft Whips.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Mickey Mouse.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Soho Square.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Entrance to railway bridge.


Fascinating Vintage Snapshots of London in 1978 

Berwick Street market.